
Old Man Vs Devil

One day while having a stroll an old man came across a hidden cave in the desert. As he was a little tired of walking all day, he decides to go into the mouth of the cave to get some sort of shelter from the scorching sun.

While sitting there he dozed off and when he got up he saw something glittering inside the cave as the sun was directly focused on the inside of the cave.
 He slowly went inside to find a lot of gold jewelry inside the cave and sensed danger. Decided not to take anything out of the gold he found but sensed that devil is after him by showing the gold.

So he came out of the cave and started to have a slow run towards his village. On his way, he was confronted by three robbers and inquired why he is nearly running?

The old man said in a faint voice that he is being chased by the devil and he is scared that something bad would happen to him. The robbers had a good look and could not find any devil near him nor coming behind the old man.

Then one robber demanded that he show where he saw the devil and the old man once again came near the cave and showed them the gold jewelry hidden inside and warn them that this is evil but in vain, the robbers chased out the old man and went inside to share the gold among them.

While talking about how they will split the gold among them one robber said that one of them should go to the nearby village and bring a scale to weigh the gold so that the gold will be split equally.

Another one said it was a good idea and the third asked him to bring some food along. So the second one left the cave to go to the nearby village while the other two guarded the catch.

While going into the village this robber thought that he will find a scale and have some lunch and poison the food that he will bring to the other two so he could have the whole thing without splitting it among three. He did so.

While guarding the other two discussed that they should kill the other so that they could split the loot among the two.

So all three had their plans, as agreed the one who went to the village found a scale while having lunch and poisoning the two meals he would bring to the cave.

When this guy came to the cave, the other two managed to overpower him and kill him. Had their lunch with poison and died in a few minutes.

Lesson learned: Other people's gold is evil and never touch it. 

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