
Amdon And The Bus Driver

Amdon and the bus driver

After school, Amdon got into a bus and sat very close to the driver. He looked at the driver and started chatting with him.

Amdon: "Driver uncle do you know if my father was a cock and my mother was a hen, I would have been a chick".

Driver: Yes yes shut up and go".

After a while, Amdon started again.

Amdon: Do you know if my father is an elephant and my mother is a female elephant I would have been a cub elephant".

Driver: I said shut up and travel or I will chase you out from this seat".

Amdon was silent for a while and after five minutes he started again.

Amdon: Do you know that if my father is a dog and my mother is a bitch I would have been a pup".

The driver went berserk and said okay I will ask you a question and if you fail to answer you need to go back and sit somewhere else. Amdon agreed.

Driver: Ïf your father is a drug addict and your mother is a prostitute who would you be?"

Amdon: A bus driver.


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