
Amdon And His Father's New Robot

Amdon's father Hampdon had a friend in America and though they were far apart they were in constant contact with each other. For one Christmas, Hampdon's friend said that he will be sending a newest creation done by the great American scientists which is a lie-detecting robot.

Hampdon was very happy as he knew then he could catch Amdon's lies with ease.

Finally the robot arrived and after reading the instruction manual Hampdon was ready to use it on Amdon. The robot, when it detects a lie, will walk up to the liar and will give a hard slap on the cheek.

Late in the evening when Amdon came home that day his father asked;

"What were you doing this late son?"

Amdon: "Teacher kept us after school for further studies"

The robot walked over and slap Amdon's cheek. Hampdon was very happy with the results he is getting with the robot.

Hampdon: "Now son you cannot hoodwink us anymore as this robot will detect all lies. Tell me the truth, where were you until late evening?"

Amdon knew that he cannot lie anymore and said five of us went to a movie.

No action from the robot, Hampdon knew that Amdon said the truth. He slowly turned to his wife and said, "When we were young we were very innocent and never thought of going to movies". 

The robot went up to Hampdon and slapped his cheek where Amdon and his mom were laughing loud.

Then his mother remarked; "Just like father, just like son". 

Robot turned around and slapped the mother's cheek.

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